Project: “TWINNING”
un’opportunità per il SUD ITALIA.
RWC doesn't just mean the single event but creates possibilities for the years both beforeand after.
A project that could start in a short time is the twinning of Italian cities with foreign national teams and the most representative clubs on a global level.
The cities, in addition to applying to host the World Cup matches, can apply to be the "HOUSE" of the national teams: a place of aggregation for the partners and fans of the national team.
Not mere temporary "structures" set up before the World Cup event but to be points of reference for the foreign federation in Italy, becoming a place in which to develop territorial collaborations, creating training centers, academies, active all year round.
The members of the RWC35 make themselves available to be "ambassadors" of the city: creating and maintaining international relations, especially for the cities of Southern Italy.